Kelly Herrera

Where is your hometown?
Terre Haute
What high school did you attend?
Terre Haute North Vigo High School
What is your major?
Why did you choose The Woods?
I chose The Woods because it was the only school that stood out to me — including the curriculum for my major and how it would help me in my career. It is also close to home.
What do you do for fun on campus?
I like to attend events on campus and hang out with friends.
What advice do you have for freshmen?
Go to events or activities and socialize with new people because the students here are all so welcoming and caring. Another thing is to get to know your professors — they will help with courses and make classes easier.
Reflect on your time at The Woods:
My time at The Woods has been a terrific opportunity for me to make new friends, be open to people and enjoy the events held on campus. It is wonderful how the professors here will help as much as they can and are understanding.