Le Fer Hall

Ring Day reflections: Madeline Grumieaux

Blog | 03.13.2019

By Madeline Grumieaux

mother and daughter at SMWC ring day
Madeline Grumieaux and her mother, Valerie ’07, pose with their new SMWC Rings.

During my time as a student at The Woods, I have participated in many traditions, but nothing beats the biggest tradition of all, Ring Day. It’s the day that reminds students receiving their ring that their hard work has been recognized, and graduation is near.

My Ring Day story is not like most. When I received my ring last year, my mom received hers as well. My mom participated and graduated from the WED program while I was growing up, followed by earning her master’s degree a few years later. Being the selfless person she is, she decided that she would put off getting her ring.

Once I was accepted and began my journey at SMWC, I often brought to my mom that she should get her ring so she could co-present mine. Fast forward to my junior year, and she finally ordered her ring. We then found out that not only did she finally order her ring, but she was able to participate in Ring Day as well.

Mother and Daughter embrace
Madeline Grumieaux embraces her mother, who co-presented her SMWC Ring.

Ring day is one of my fondest memories that I have been able to experience with my mom. When it was finally our turn to receive our rings, my mom went up first, and then I followed. Dr. Dottie King presented my mom her ring, and then Dr. King and my mom presented my ring. Ring Day is special, but what made it even more special is that I was able to experience it with my mom.

My mom has always told me, “no one can take away your education,” and that is just what I think when I look down at my Woods ring. My mom and I have both earned the opportunity to wear this ring to show that we are strong, intelligent Woods Women. My ring is a reminder that I have worked hard for the education that I have received, and that no matter what, The Woods will always be my home.

Congratulations to the 2019 Ring Recipients! Cherish your special day!

About the Author

Portrait of Madeline Grumieaux

Madeline Grumieaux
Madeline is a senior at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College studying marketing. She is currently devoting the majority of her time to her marketing internship at Terre Haute Regional Hospital. If she is not on campus or at the hospital, Madeline can be found baking or planning her upcoming wedding. Someday, she hopes to be an entrepreneur and open up her own boutique. Madeline loves her cats, Gilmore Girls and shopping.

1 Comment

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Christy (English) Marshall class of 88 | 03.19.2019 at 12:11pm
That was both beautiful and inspirational. I am lucky enough to have graduated from SMWC in 1988 and next year I will be presenting the ring to my daughter Madison Newburn. I’m so very proud of her, she goes to school full time and has a full time job at Elanco. Among many other talents and sports oriented functions. Congratulations to both of you you’ve earned it!