Advice from Sydney Wilderman ’17, D.O.
2024 G.O.L.D.E.N. Oak Award Recipient
Hi SMWC! I am so excited for you as your next adventure awaits here at The Woods.
Here’s some advice I have for you: it’s okay not to know what you want to do. It’s also okay to know exactly what you want to do. We are all on our own journeys, and each of our paths is unique. If you don’t know what your next steps are, let yourself explore as you find your way. Keep up the good work, take breaks when you need it and don’t forget to have fun. I’m excited to see how your journey will unfold, and know that I and many others are rooting for you!
Advice from Shannon Sonderman ’18

Get to know your roommate and the people on your floor. These will be people who you could know for the rest of your life! Some of my best friends are people who went to SMWC. Take every opportunity to study when you can: between classes, early morning or late at night. Figuring out when and where you study best is important. As you begin classes, get to know your professors. The Woods has some of the best professors who will be there to help you if you’re not understanding something in the class. Learn about the traditions of The Woods and take part in as many as you can. These connections keep all of us connected to past, present and future Woodsies. The Woods has such a rich tradition and legacy that you get to be a part of take the time to really soak in every minute of your time at The Woods! Before you know it you’ll be walking across the stage at graduation prepared to enter the “real world” to share with it all you’ve learned while at The Woods.

Advice from Kayla Moats ’19
Get involved, get involved, get involved! Join clubs, organizations, campus jobs and attend events that interest you. It’s a great way to make new friends and enrich your college experience.
Embrace new opportunities and experiences by stepping out of your comfort zone. Some of my best college memories came from doing just that!
Make the most of campus resources! From campus life to the library, counseling and career services, these resources gave me amazing opportunities and support throughout my college journey.

Advice from Christopher Simmons ’22, ’24G
My biggest advice for new students is to step outside your comfort zone and embrace the opportunity to meet new people. When I arrived at SMWC, I only knew my two sisters, but from the very first days of orientation, I started forming meaningful relationships. The connections you make in your first year have the potential to last a lifetime. The best friends I made during my time at SMWC are still a huge part of my life, and even though we’re now separated by almost a thousand miles, we stay in touch and visit whenever we can!