Ezequiel Fernandez Carunchio
Saint Mother Theodore Guerin once said, “Profit by the experience of the past, for the future.” Even though this quote might have many interpretations, its meaning is valuable to me. How can we learn from our mistakes if we do not do enough to make those mistakes? I believe that a big part of growth consists of going out and trying new things and, when failing, learning from that. Success might not always come as fast as expected, but it will come if we keep trying.

Hello, my name is Ezequiel Fernandez Carunchio. I am a junior at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College (SMWC) and a new student intern in the Office of Marketing and Communications (MarComm). I am from Buenos Aires, Argentina. I arrived at SMWC to start my sophomore year in fall 2021, and so far, my experience at SWMC has been fulfilling. I am a business major, minoring in leadership and marketing.
The reason I am pursuing a minor in leadership is because of how connected I feel with the duty and how much I enjoy it. Currently, my most significant leadership role is being a captain of the men’s soccer team. This role includes both challenges inside and outside the field. Even though it is not easy, so far, it has been an amazing experience to learn and apply everything I have been learning in my leadership classes.
While attending college in the United States, I have realized that there are multiple opportunities to enrich your resume before you finish your education. After conversing with one of my professors, I was connected with BJ Riley, director of marketing. We agreed that an internship would be not only a great fit but also an amazing opportunity. I believe that spending time at the MarComm office will help me gain skills both in organic and digital marketing, studying marketing analytics and learning more about web design and graphic design. I am extremely excited to be around the Marketing and Communications team and learn as much as possible.
“What do you want to do when you finish your education?” is probably the question every student gets asked the most. Even though I like to keep my options open, I would like to work for the sales or marketing department of a company. Until graduation comes, I will keep on trying to learn as much as possible and make the best out of the remaining time I have at SMWC.