Le Fer Hall

Strategic Priority 1

Elevate the distinctive, high quality education that has been a hallmark of education at SMWC.

  • Increased new deposits for fall 2017-18 on campus students by 96 percent over fall 2016-17 numbers; added a Priority Student Registration Day; completed early financial aid packaging for all students
  • Set a plan to roll out the following new majors for the 2017-2018 academic year: Undergraduate – Health & Wellness, Pre-Art Therapy, Pre-Art Therapy Minor and Leadership Minor; Graduate – Masters in Nursing; and business concentrations in Entrepreneurship and Professional Prep
  • Was awarded F-1 Status by the US Department of Homeland Security for the The English Language Institute, opening international recruitment possibilities to a larger group of potential students
  • Established a Maymester, allowing students to take credit for faculty-led trips abroad; the first trip launches in 2017 to Dublin, Ireland
  • Established the Sustainability Summit to promote sustainable issues with the support from a newly created Sustainability Endowment
  • Fully outfitted and finalized installation of classroom technology for the Learning Resource Center
  • Conducted an athletics visioning session to discuss growing enrollment through strategically adding new sports for women and men
  • Began development of a new online student application portal to launch in July
  • Launched a bi-weekly newsletter to increase student awareness of the Writing Center
  • Conducted advising and CampusVue workshops and released the best practices in advising to the faculty
  • Created a communication dialogue for faculty to discuss how they currently connect with first year students and ideas for improvements in the future
  • Designed and distributed a survey of faculty and staff to assess the current experiences available to students

Strategic Priority 2

Provide a college environment that is relevant to overall student success and enhances students’ quality-of-life through improvements to facilities, spiritual offerings, and an enhanced financial structure.

  • Conducted a visioning session with the SMWC Board of Trustees and the Sisters of Providence Mission Advisory Board in February 2017 out of which came a prioritized list of projects for the two entities on which they will work together
  • Completed a landscape plan and a capital improvements plan to help better prioritize campus projects
  • Replaced the front doors of Rooney Library, which was made possible by a gift
  • Initiated the renovation of the former Learning Resource Center space to become the Sacred Heart Chapel
  • Replaced the Le Fer Hall tower windows, which was made possible by a gift; work is underway to repair the roof and interior water damage
  • Set a plan to add air conditioning, humidifiers, acoustic treatments, paint and new carpet to practice rooms in the Conservatory in May
  • Completed the dredging and bridge deconstruction work at Le Fer Lake; the final stage of construction and reestablishment of the habitat will be complete by summer 2017
  • Developed a plan to upgrade all buildings with a card-access system; calling for installation of the system in 1-2 building per year with the top three priorities being the Conservatory, Guerin Hall and the Jeanne Knoerle Sports and Recreation Center.
  • Established a plan to create a culture where campus-wide safety and risk prevention is a priority; drafted a new strategic focus dealing with physical and personal safety, emergency situations, lock down drills and security breaches in the residence hall
  • Established a Web Committee to work on the design of a new intranet site
  • Installed Forms Builder, Workflows, Skype for Business and YouSeeU virtual classroom
  • Set a plan through the work of the Greening of the Woods Committee to work with the Sisters of Providence on improving the campus-wide recycling system

Strategic Priority 3

Enhance perception of the College through renewed focus on outreach and partnerships, emphasizing the value of relationships that has always been a critical part of education at SMWC.

  • Increased the prominence of SMWC’s Catholic identity through new e-communications and increasing Catholic-related social media posts by more than 400 percent
  • Established five new endowments to support students and programming
  • Increased the advertising budget by 20 percent to improve awareness in key markets
  • Established a Mission Effectiveness Council, which includes community members, alums and representatives from the Sisters of Providence, to serve as advisors promoting the College’s Catholic identity and values in the community
  • Established the Brand Committee; created and implemented an editorial calendar and social media strategy
  • Expanded new faculty orientation to include mission effectiveness orientation
  • Began the development stage of the new mobile website to launch in August 2017
  • Created an onboarding process for new employees at SMWC