Graduates hold up their diplomas after the 2020 commencement

You’re Going to Graduate…Now What?

Blog | 08.17.2020

Six tips to get you started

You’ve almost done it! Graduation will be here before you know it. At this point, you’re probably asking, “What now?” or “What’s next?” The real world is upon you, which can be intimidating and exciting all at once. Even though you’re almost an alum, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College is still here to help guide you into the next steps of your life. Check out these tips on what to do after graduating college.

1. Update

Your resume comes first. It can be hard, but it’s time to remove all that you were involved in throughout high school. Make sure you update your college involvement, especially internships. These experiences will set you apart from other candidates when it comes to jobs for recent college graduates.

Next comes your LinkedIn. If you don’t have a LinkedIn, it’s highly encouraged to create one. Numerous success stories have happened because of LinkedIn. Through LinkedIn, you have the opportunity to make connections all over the country, which can help you get your first job out of college.

“Keeping your resumes and profiles updated throughout your college career is crucial to your success. It allows you to make small changes as you go versus redoing everything when it comes time to apply for jobs or to network with others. It makes things much easier and far less stressful!”

– Olivia W. ’20

Updating your social media is also a good idea. Keep your information up-to-date, especially if your last name or school title has changed. It’s also a good idea to Google yourself. The last thing you want is for negative information about you to be broadcasted to the world. You can make it where your LinkedIn profile is one of the first links that comes up when your name is searched, putting your best image forward. It may not sound important, but it can have a big impact.

2. Apply, apply, apply!

Even if you don’t think it’s 100% the job for you, still apply! Applying for as many job opportunities as possible will have a greater impact than you might think. Even if you are applying for a job that doesn’t seem to fit your interests or you think it’s a long shot, it’s important to remember that there’s no harm in applying. After all, it will be your first job out of college – you don’t have to stay there forever.

3. Buckle down and budget better

By this time, college has probably taught you the basics of budgeting and the meaning of having more responsibility. There’s now even more responsibility upon you. Paying rent, your own phone bill, utilities such as electricity, water and internet and more. Perhaps you still have those decisions to make, but it’s never too soon to save. The sooner you start to save, the better. Budgeting can help you buy a new car, help you afford graduate school or set you on a path to buying a house.

“In college, I worked both on and off campus to cover the expenses that my financial aid package didn’t reach. Working while being a college student taught me not only how to budget my time, but also my finances. I was taught how to save money and prioritize the things I needed to buy. I believe these lessons will give me an advantage entering the ‘real world’ after graduation.”

– Allison M. ’20

But wait…there’s more! It’s also important to check your credit score, and whether you need to improve your credit or continue the financial mindset you’re currently in. Getting a firm grasp on your bills will also help you in the end. Setting payment schedules or marking it in your calendar are good strategies to organize them.

When it comes to understanding how much you should budget, it really comes down to understanding your priorities. It’s OK to treat yourself here and there, but going out to lunch every day can add up. Now that you’re an adult in the “real world,” choices between buying groceries or a new pair of shoes have a different weight on the scale.

4. Take time for you

First off, it’s important to know that you’re not a failure if you haven’t found your dream job yet. Take advantage of your new free time. It’s healthy to take time to find yourself and learn more about the person you’re becoming. Taking adventures, vacations or even just going for hikes can be transformative.

If you already have your job lined up, take the time you have before starting to get out of town. Check some things off your bucket list. You only have the opportunity to enjoy life once, so take advantage of the free time you have now.

5. Stay connected

After graduation, life can get busy, which is why it’s crucial to keep in touch with your peers and friends from college. It’s been said that the friends you make in college are the relationships that will last a lifetime. Continuing to keep in touch with your friends will only strengthen your Woods bond in which we are all connected.

“I know that no matter where my career takes me, I will most likely be able to find an alumni from SMWC. And that is what I love about The Woods. The network of alumni I came into contact with during my four years at The Woods are from all over the country. As I start my career in Indianapolis, I’ll have a support system there for me. And, later on in life if I move, I know alums from California to New York that will help and support me and keep me connected to The Woods.”

– Mannah M. ’20, Class President

Not only is it important to stay connected with your peers but stay connected to The Woods as well. Our advancement team loves keeping up with our alumni and seeing their accomplishments they achieve and offer their congratulations.

“After leaving The Woods, we really encourage those who have graduated to keep in contact with the Alumni Office and College Updates. We keep in contact with them and make sure they are aware of campus events, such as Homecoming and Reunion, just as much as we are aware of events in their area. We love hearing about their journeys and accomplishments in their lives. One thing we’ve done for many alums is connect them with other alumni in the area if they have moved to another city or state. This is another reason why it’s crucial to have their up-to-date contact information – we enjoy helping our alums in every way we can.”

– Sarah Mahady ’05, Director of Alumni Relations

There are many ways to keep in touch at The Woods, but it’s crucial that you update your information. It’s easily navigable on the website. You can also easily keep up with events, see what alumni awards are given and find out more information about The Woods through the College magazine. There’s also a segment called Lost Alumni. These are names of SMWC alums that have not kept in contact with the alumni office. If you know of any of these lost alums, the college encourages you to contact the alumni relations team.

6. Promises and miles to go…

This world is grateful to have you in it. Amazing things are ahead of you, but never forget where you came from. This is the real world and things won’t always be easy, but it’s important to remember your why. Continue to remind yourself, “Why are you doing what you’re doing?” “What is your ‘why’?”

Always remember that you have promises and miles to go…


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