Le Fer Hall

Creating place

Blog | 11.18.2019

By Karen Dyer, vice president for advancement and strategic initiatives

Painted rock with "The Woods Rocks" inscribed on it

Place is so important.

Just the idea of it lends students, alumni and others to mention how this place, the campus of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College, makes them feel – whether it’s been 50 years or yesterday since they last visited.

As I look around, I am in awe of the significance of this place. I work in the century-old Guerin Hall, which is known for its grand limestone façade, marble columns, terrazzo floors and sweeping staircases. The stained glass arched window of my office perfectly frames a view of the lawn and the library building each day. It’s hard to  miss the importance of place when your view is so often of a big, blue sky full of puffy clouds and a historic building looking ever so much like one of those vintage postcard scenes.

As we work to build place on campus, we are intentional to create new and fun connections. A few years ago, the Office of Advancement found a fun way to engage students, alumni and others through what many communities are calling a quality of place initiative.

We call it #TheWoodsRocks.

Maybe you’ve seen some of our rocks hidden on campus and perhaps have even found one! A few lucky students and alumni have won prizes during Reunion, Homecoming and move-in weekends by finding special rocks.

The rocks are a fun way to create an engaging atmosphere around which so many can come together on campus and online through social media posts. The idea of painted rocks has been very popular on social media as many communities have groups that hide rocks in parks and other public spaces. Terre Haute has such a group #TerreHauteRocks, the idea from which gave rise to #TheWoodsRocks project.

Alum painting rock

So, why paint rocks?

Think of the rocks as small reminders of a greater connection to the long history and tradition of this College, but in a context that speaks to this place, in this time.

Once found in a garden or hidden along the steps of Le Fer Hall, these rocks may sit on a desk or in a window sill reminding the finder of some thought, idea or feeling that grounds them to The Woods.

As a painter of hundreds of these rocks, I often give rocks to others with special messages that uplift and inspire, celebrate and make them smile. In painting them, I feel a different sense of connection and joy in knowing that this small rock might just make someone’s day. I do get special requests, and by far, the most coveted rocks are those with the SMW ring emblem.  

Painted with phrases like “Mama Teddy, pray for me” and “I’ve got promises and miles to go,” the rocks help to not only create a fun atmosphere, but also serve to connect whomever finds them to this place.

Place at The Woods is a feeling, a memory. It is tangible and ethereal. And, ultimately, it is somewhere we belong and that which belongs to us.


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Brian Dyer | 12.01.2019 at 9:51am
Very nice.
Michelle Barrentine | 11.29.2019 at 5:45pm
I love this piece, Karen. We who love The Woods have felt it" in the rocks and in "the Avenue moment." Thanks for capturing the sentiment so beautifully.
| 11.29.2019 at 2:34pm
Good work Karen!