Education Gateway Procedures
Gateways are the formal processes and procedures for enrollment, progression, and the successful completion of the Educator Preparation Program. A student admitted to the College becomes a student seeking a degree in Education granted from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College. The student must be formally enrolled in the Education Department to hold license-seeking status. Upon formal enrollment in the Educator Preparation Program, the student’s status changes to be a teacher candidate seeking licensure in the State of Indiana.
Gateway I Required Materials
All education students will be enrolled in a Gateway I Brightspace/D2L shell at the completion of 40 credit hours and ALL materials MUST BE SUBMITTED by the completion of 75 credit hours (this includes credits transferred from other institutions). Students must achieve and/or submit the following:
- Attainment of a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 on a 4-point scale.
- Demonstration of content knowledge on file for Reading and Math. A passing score is not required, only documentation of taking either SAT, ACT, or PRAXIS. Content knowledge (passing test scores) must be met by Gateway II, approval to Student Teach.
- Successful completion of a clinical experience with SMWC with documented evidence of professional behaviors, dispositions, values, and attitudes.
- One Professional Recommendation Letter (InTASC 9, 10, & EDPG 11)
- Statement of Service (InTASC 9, 10, & EDPG 11)
- Professional Resume (EDPG 11)
- Philosophy of Teaching (InTASC 9)
- Video presentations (3-5 minutes each) demonstrating formative understanding of:
- InTASC 1: Learner Development
- InTASC 2: Learner Differences
- InTASC 3: Learning Environments
- InTASC 7: Planning for Instruction
- Faculty members will evaluate submission materials and provide formative feedback and formal admission to the Education Preparation Program. The evaluation team will determine one of the following:
- Enrolled – Student has successfully passed Gateway I, is a Teacher Candidate, and is permitted to enroll in ED courses at the 300-level or higher.
- Not Enrolled – Student has not passed Gateway I and is not eligible to enroll in 300-level ED courses or higher. If a student is not successful in maintaining a 3.0 GPA or meeting other criteria. This may pertain to students who do not display appropriate professional behaviors, dispositions, values, and attitudes that are necessary for success in teaching. Students may appeal Gateway I decisions in writing to the Teacher Education Board.
- A formal letter of enrollment will be emailed from the Administrative Assistant (Shala Ingle) to the Teacher Candidate’s SMWC email, and the candidate will be enrolled into the Gateway II, Brightspace/D2L shell.
Content Knowledge Options for Gateway I
Math | Reading | |
ACT | 21.25 | 21.25 |
SAT | 532.50 | 543.33 |
Praxis Core | 162.14 | 168.06 |
Gateway II Required Materials
The Gateway II process requires a formal interview with an Education Department evaluation team. The interview may be in person or virtual and must be arranged in advance through the academic advisor. Teacher candidates must achieve and/or submit the following:
- Completion of Gateway I requirements prior to 75 completed credit hours.
- Send a letter of application to Shala Ingle to schedule a Gateway II interview. Please submit your letter to the Gateway II shell in Brightspace/D2L.
In your letter of application address the following:
- Why I have chosen teaching as a career?
- Why I have chosen the specific developmental level(s) and content area(s)?
- What personal qualities I will contribute to the educational field?
- What have I learned that I can apply to student teaching and the education profession?
- Writing Prompt in the Gateway II Brightspace/D2L shell completed and evaluated by two readers assigned by the Education Department.
- Formal Gateway II Interview will be scheduled by the following dates:
- Fall Student Teaching: March 15; student teaching application due by April 1.
- Spring Student Teaching: October 1; student teaching application due by October 15.
- Student Teaching Application submitted to Dr. Michelle Henderson, michelle.henderson@smwc.edu by either October 15 (for Spring student teaching) or April 1 (for Fall student teaching). The Student Teaching Application must be submitted by the dates listed above or student teaching placements are not guaranteed.
- Demonstration of content knowledge or Licensing Requirements for Reading and Math through any of the following (or combination of any tests): ACT, SAT, Praxis Core, 240 Tutoring or Licensure Tests. Demonstration of content knowledge or Licensing Requirements for Mild Intervention through 240 Tutoring or Licensure Test.
Content Knowledge Options for Gateway II
Math | Reading | Mild Intervention | |
ACT | 21.25 | 21.25 | N/A |
SAT | 532.50 | 543.33 | N/A |
Praxis Core | 162.14 | 168.06 | N/A |
240 Tutoring Must complete course(s) with 90% or better to meet requirement. (before final 13 credit hours remaining) |
P-3: Praxis Early Childhood Assessment Mathematics and Science (5028)
K-6: Praxis Elementary Education Assessment Mathematics and Science (5008) |
P-3: Praxis Early Childhood Assessment Reading, Language Arts and Social Studies (5027)
K-6: Praxis Elementary Education Assessment Reading, Language Arts and Social Studies (5007) |
Special Education Core Knowledge |
Licensure Tests
*STEM Subtest
Math and Science P-3 (5028) K-6 (5008) |
*Humanities Subtest P-3 (5027) K-6 (5007)
*Core Knowledge Mild to Moderate Applications
P-3 and K-6 (5543) |
Praxis Licensure Tests link: https://www.ets.org/praxis
SAT link: https://www.collegeboard.org/sat
ACT link: https://www.act.org
240 Tutoring 30-day free trial: email Shala.Ingle@smwc.edu.
Successful completion of student teaching and all requirements. BS/BA or certificate awarded.
Successfully completing all applicable licensure tests and submitting all materials to the LVIS portal.
*The SMWC Education Department reserves the right to update content knowledge scores relative to accreditation and licensing requirements. Please keep in close contact with your advisor for changes in this information.
**see ED Gateway I Enrollment Site document descriptions for directions and document codes.
***The Gateway II interview will not be held until all the aforementioned items have been submitted.
**Gateway II interview must be completed before submitting a Student Teaching Application