Academic Policies and Standards
Students are encouraged to participate in decisions regarding academic policies and curricular matters. Participation in department meetings and activities, course evaluations, Student Senate and special task force meetings are vehicles for student/academic affairs dialogue.
Academic Advising
Academic Awards
Academic Integrity Policy
Academic Records
Academic Standards
Content includes description of the academic year as determined by the specific program, student’s academic classification based on total credits earned toward a degree at the college, enrollment status, and grading system.
College-sponsored Events
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
Grade Appeal Policy
A student who believes that a grade awarded is in error may appeal that grade following the process outlined in this policy.
Incomplete Course
The process for readmission to Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College.
Registration covers late entrances into a campus course, repeating courses, and Intra-program transfers.
Statement of Student’s Academic Freedom
Students with Disabilities
Transfer Policies
Policies regarding transferring credit from other institutions, advanced placement credit, CLEP credit, DSST/Dantes credit, international baccalaureate credit and prior learning credit.