Le Fer Hall

Ring Day reflections: Kristin Foster

Blog | 03.21.2019

By Kristin Foster

Kristin and her Ring Presenter hugs after receiving her ring
Kristin embraces co-presenter and “Big,” Bridget Thoreson ’17.

As a senior music therapy major, The Woods has officially been my home since August of 2015. Like many students before me, I eagerly awaited the day when I would get my Woods Ring. My dream came true at the 2018 Ring Day ceremony, where I received my ring through a scholarship, graciously provided by an alumna. During my time here, the symbol of the Woods Ring has grown near and dear to my heart. When I look down at my Woods Ring, I feel an innate sense of pride and accomplishment. In addition, here are the three things I think of most when I look at my Woods Ring:

  1. I think of The Church of the Immaculate Conception. As a member of the SMWC Chorale and Madrigals, I have had almost a dozen concerts in that sacred space. Not only is it the location where I received my Woods Ring, but also the location of some of the best musical memories of my life. My ring reminds me of those concerts, along with Ring Day and the many people who have shared those events with me!
  2. The Woods Ring reminds me of all the Woodsies who are “in my corner.” As a music therapy major, I have a community of music therapists and music therapy students whom I have met through our mutual connection to The Woods. I have also made some of the best friends of my life while in college! My ring reminds me of their friendship, support and of the community we share though Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College. Not to mention the Sisters of Providence, to whom I feel deeply connected, and am grateful for as a Saint Mother Theodore Guerin scholar.
  3. My Woods Ring continues to remind me of where I have been, and where I am going. To me, the ring represents all of the time, sweat, tears and hard work that I have poured into my education and to this special place. Seeing the manifestation of my accomplishments in the form of my Woods Ring motivates me to work hard and to continue striving to achieve my goal of becoming a music therapist. When I move across the country in a few months to pursue a music therapy internship, I know I will be able to look down at my ring and be physically reminded of my deep-rooted connection to The Woods. I also know that I can look to my ring as a reminder that I will carry all of my knowledge, memories and experience from this place with me for the rest of my life. No matter where I go, the Woods will always be home, and the Ring will lead the way!

About the Author

headshot of Kristin Foster

Kristin Foster
Kristin is a senior, studying music therapy at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College. She is involved in the Music Therapy Student Association, a member of Chorale and Madrigals, works on campus as a student assistant and is a Saint Mother Theodore Guerin scholar. In July, she will begin her music therapy internship at Four Seasons, a non-profit care provider for hospice, palliative and bereavement services, located in western North Carolina. After completing her internship, Kristin hopes to become a board certified music therapist and return to Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College for her Master of Arts in Music Therapy. Kristin loves to sing, make music with friends and connect with others.


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Aunt Martha Creel | 03.23.2019 at 8:58pm
Great job!
Leslie Thayer | 03.23.2019 at 6:58am
A beautiful reflection from a beautiful young woman. Kristin arrived at the Woods with an open heart and mind-ready to experience all that the faculty, her fellow students, and St. Mother Theodore would teach her. All the best to a remarkable “Woodsie”